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CLSI FAST Graduate Wins California JumpStart Grant from PharmaDirections

  • scaladev
  • News

The 2018 California JumpStart Grant from PharmaDirections was awarded to Abalone Bio, an early-stage biotechnology startup in the San Francisco Bay Area. Abalone is developing functional antibody therapeutics that modulate membrane protein targets using its proprietary Functional Antibody Selection Technology (FAST) platform to address unmet needs in oncology, inflammation and pain sensation.

CEO, Richard Yu accepted the award at the FAST Fall 2018 Showcase on December 11. “Abalone Bio is honored to have been chosen for the 2018 JumpStart program. After the immensely helpful CLSI FAST program, which helped us refine our disease targets of focus, the detailed development plan and budget that we will build with PharmaDirections for our primary programs are the remaining bricks in the foundation of a compelling story to investors,” said Richard.

As a winner of the CA JumpStart grant, Abalone Bio will receive a comprehensive development plan from PharmDirections that includes a strategic plan, Gannt chart and itemized budget that can be used to raise funds and guide efficient project execution (an estimated value of $25,000).


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